Steve Mnuchin threw a snowball at a New York Times reporter
2024-06-11 19:26:07

There are a lot of metaphors available for the Trump Administration so far -- like, say, a tire fire.

Well, dollar lover and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin gave us a new one Friday, when he literally pelted a journalist with a snowball on Friday morning.

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The jolly-ish moment happened on CNBC's set at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, around the time Mnuchin made an appearance on the business network. And because it's 2018 there were plenty of people on hand to catch the moment Mnuchin was handed a snowball that he then promptly whipped at Andrew Ross Sorkin, biz columnist for the New York Times.

Okay, sure, this seems to be a fairly benign, silly moment but one can't help but ponder an underlying pathos in Mnuchin's act of snowflake-related violence. Look at that smile on his face. Mnuchin is enjoying this moment way too much.

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The victim is, after all, a New York Timesjournalist and we all know how Trump feels about the Times, especially after their latest Mueller-related bombshell.

Mnuchin, too, has his own gripe with the media given the controversy around his jet-setting ways and wife Louise Linton's social media faux pas.

It's worth noting that Mnuchin's form is terrible. He's pushing the snowball, not throwing it. Maybe he was just taking it easy on Sorkin or maybe he was in a cramped space but, seriously, it's pretty clear Mnuchin hasn't spent much time in snowball fights.

That said, he hit Sorkin so he probably doesn't care about the form, just that he struck a blow for justice against the evil fake news media. May he celebrate with the finest champagne our tax dollars can buy.

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