Meghan Markle gets her very own waxwork and it's pretty uncanny tbh
2024-06-11 05:18:53

You have to be pretty important to get your own waxwork figure. But, sometimes, just sometimes, they end up looking creepy as hell. Looking at you, Melania Trump.

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Just days before Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot, Madame Tussauds London has jumped on the royal nuptials bandwagon and unveiled a waxwork of Markle.

And, fortunately for Markle, the waxwork is a true likeness. Not creepy, either!

The wax version of Meghan is now standing beside her betrothed, Prince Harry, who already had his own waxwork. Oh, and just in case Harry was feeling left out, fear ye not. His waxwork -- created to celebrate his 30th birthday in 2014 -- has been spruced up with the addition of a beard.

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Mashable ImageThat is one splendid beard.Credit: madame tussauds

Meghan's waxwork is kitted out in the outfit she sported on the day the engagement was announced back in November 2017.

She's wearing the green P.A.R.O.S.H. dress -- which sold out after Markle wore it during Harry and Meghan's TV interview -- and a replica of her engagement ring, which Harry designed.

Mashable ImageYep, definitely quite uncanny.Credit: madame tussauds

Madame Tussauds have placed the royal couple in front of a 15-foot-wide video screen that lets guests change the backdrop depending on how they'd like to hang with Hazza and Megs. So, if royal fanatics want to picture what the pair will look like while cutting the cake, or unwinding on their honeymoon, they can select those backdrops and wonder no more.

Mashable ImageJust look at all that regal wax.Credit: madame tussauds

Congrats to the waxwork bride and groom!

Meghan's waxwork is open to the public from 19 May, and tickets are available now online.

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