We've become normalized to Trump's tweets. Not this one.
2024-06-11 04:39:59

Nowadays, it takes a lot for Americans to become incensed about Trump's tweets. We need at least one World War threat or nuclear weapon tangent to wake up and realize we're seconds away from doomsday.

The President still has that magical ability to completely eviscerate our joy. Take Saturday's tweet, where Trump -- in one of his worst lies yet -- had the audacity to complain that Democrats were responsible for separating parents from their children at the border.

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"Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS," Trump wrote.

The poor souls at Politifact have likely been working overtime the past three years, trying to capture each and every one of Trump's lies. It's impossible to overstate the damage these particular 226 characters could do.

Outrage has been mounting over the holiday weekend as multiple reports revealed that ICE was now separating children from their parents at the border. The Trump administration is now seeking to criminally prosecute everyone crossing the border, including asylum seekers. Parents are to be placed in the criminal justice system while their children put into military facilities via the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

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It is unclear when these parents will be reunited with their children, if at all. An estimated 700 children have already been snached from their parents. Recently, a 53-week-old baby separated from their parent and appeared as an unaccompanied baby in court.

This is not an Obama-era policy. This was not imposed by Democrats. This was not instituted by George W. Bush.

It's a spectacular evil of Trump's own making.

The already troubled agency has reportedly lost track of 1,500 "unaccompanied minors" they placed, whether they were deported, refused contract, or were lost to traffickers. As White House chief of staff John Kelly told NPR in an interview weeks ago, he hopes the policy will act as a "tough deterrent ...The children will be taken care of—put into foster care or whatever."

Now, social media is asking: #WhereAreTheChildren? The hashtag was a constant presence on Twitter all day on Saturday as people demanded answers on the missing children.

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