Man denied a marriage license by Kim Davis is now running for her job
2024-06-11 21:54:19

Don't give up hope, everyone! Revenge fantasies do come true.

Look at David Ermold, an assistant professor of English at the University of Pikesville, now running to take wannabe homophobic martyr Kim Davis' county clark position. Davis previously attempted to deny Ermold a marriage license because of his sexuality.

Now he's after her job.

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In June 2015, soon after the Supreme Court's landmark decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, Ermold attempted to get married to his partner, David Moore. Unfortunately, Ermold was living in Rowan County, Kentucky where Kim Davis was serving as county clark. Davis refused to issue a license to the couple.

Ermold attempted to get the license four times before one of Davis' deputies ultimately issued the license.

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He denies that revenge played any role in his decision to run.

“I was very disappointed in the presidential election, and I think there needs to be more integrity,” Ermold said in a statement. “I think politicians need to answer some questions.”

Ermold may not have any revenge fantasies, but we, the humble online community, definitely do. Was there anything more annoying in 2015 than having to see this lady, wearing a long sleeve shirt undera T-shirt, on cable television and arm-in-arm with Twitter's biggest bigoted open mic comedian, Mike Huckabee?

Mashable ImageDouble shirt no no.Credit: Getty Images

She spent only five days in jail and yet she was called a martyr. That's not hard time, it's party time. And Davis is expected to have a fundraising advantage going into this race.

Still, 2017 has been a wonderful year for revenge plots, even if the candidates don't interpret it that way. Transgender candidate Danica Roem won a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates against an incumbent who wrote anti-trans legislation. And Ashley Bennet won a position as a New Jersey Freeholder against a man who made an anti-Women's March joke.

Change is possible, it's just an incredibly long ways away.

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