'Mr. Zuckerberg' explains the internet to elderly senators
2024-06-11 06:33:58

In what will probably be the premise of The Social Network 2,Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was grilled by members of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday.

Zuckerberg answered questions about digital privacy in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. And a lot of the senators asking the questions were old. Veryold.

SEE ALSO:The best part of Mark Zuckerberg appearing in front of Congress was the memes

Sen. Patrick Leahy brought printoutsof various Facebook groups (bless the staff member who had to print them) and asked if they were Russian propaganda groups, because as CEO, Zuckerberg obviously reads every single post on Facebook himself. Sen. Orrin Hatch asked how Facebook is able to sustain a business model while running as a free service, and Zuckerberg was barely able to keep a straight face when he responded, "Senator, we run ads."

"I see, that's great," Hatch replied.

It wasn't just the older senators who didn't understand how Facebook works. Sen. Brian Schatz, who is only 45 years old, asked Zuckerberg if Facebook would be able to see if he "emailed" someone over Whatsapp. When Zuckerberg said that Whatsapp is encrypted, and that other companies are not able to read encrypted messages, Schatz asked if he would get Black Pantherads on Facebook if he messaged someone about the movie through Whatsapp.

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People on Twitter found it pretty ridiculous that the lawmakers who have the power to regulate technology have absolutely no idea how technology works. And so they roasted them with memes.

In the "Mr. Zuckerberg" meme, clueless lawmakers use the Senate hearing to ask Zuckerberg questions about Facebook. Instead of interrogating the CEO about his company's business practices, though, they ask him for tech advice.

They're usually accompanied by an image of an exasperated, exhausted Zuckerberg.

And people didn't hold back on Sen. Ted Cruz, who's had his fair share of PR nightmares while in office.

While the memes covered Cruz's "accidental" porn like and the rumors of his secret identity as the Zodiac Killer, others were just sad.

Zuckerberg faces another day of questioning in front of the House Commerce Committee on Wednesday.

And that means another day of explaining how Facebook works to septuagenarian lawmakers. Good luck, Mark.

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