Russia releases video of Florida getting nuked, taunts Elon Musk
2024-06-11 07:13:54

There's nothing to see here, folks, just Russian overlord Vladimir Putin showing off an "invincible" nuclear missile destroying Florida. Oh, and the editor of one of Russia's most notorious media outlets is using it to mock Elon Musk.

Just another day in 2018.

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Taking his role of real-life Bond villain to new heights, Putin used his annual state-of-the-nation speech to the Russian Federal Assembly on Thursday to brag about the country's new nuclear weapons he claimed could hit any point on the globe and would render any defense "useless."

Seriously, look at this thing.

It's like something out of a comic book (assuming it exists).

And taking that supervillain analogy one-step further, Putin's speech was full of bombast. Per NBC News' translation:

"I want to tell all those who have fueled the arms race over the last 15 years, sought to win unilateral advantages over Russia, introduced unlawful sanctions aimed to contain our country's development ... you have failed to contain Russia," he said.

He accused the West of "ignoring us. Nobody listened to us. Well listen to us now."

That's frightening enough as it is but as Gizmodonotes, the video showing off this new super-weapon uses a not-so-innocuous target on which to rain down its radioactive terror: the state of Florida.

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Yep, that's the central portion of the state, including Tampa Bay, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, and (of course) Palm Beach, home of Trump's Mar-a-Lago club.

Mashable ImageCentral Florida, doomed peninsulaCredit: Screenshot/RTMashable ImageSure, it looks nice right now...Credit: Screenshot/Google Maps

TL;DR, Putin is out here dropping casual threats of nuclear armageddon on the part of the country where Trump likes to go golf and solicit gun control advice from country club members. This can't be good for the pair's complex bromance.

You can watch Putin's complete two-hour speech here.

If this seems familiar, it's pretty similar to the same stunt that North Korea pulled almost two years ago when it shared a propaganda video that included the nuclear obliteration of Washington, D.C.


As if that's not enough, Margarita Simonovna Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT, the controversial Moscow-based news outlet that draws some funding from the Russian government, decided to celebrate Russia's new nuclear might by mocking Elon Musk.

Because threatening to obliterate the home of Mickey Mouse wasn't enough, Russia's out here insulting America's high-tech entrepreneurs? What did Elon ever do to you, RT?

Nothing to see here. Everything is fine.

Though, if reality TV star Donald Trump can be president, than an action-hero showdown between Musk and Putin isn't really that far off, right?

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