
Unhinged Trump was hard at work on Twitter before you'd even had your morning coffee

Another lovely day of waking up, logging onto Twitter, and screaming at the sight of Donald Trump's unhinged messages to America? Check.

Trump must not have had a great night's sleep because his morning jaunt was even more jarring than usual on Tuesday. The U.S. president casually retweeted and then promptly deleted a confusing message about fascism and another violent CNN meme... all before 9:00 a.m.

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After kicking off the morning by retweeting an article shared by Fox & Friends reporting President Trump is "'seriously considering' a pardon for ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio," Trump decided to retweet a reply from a user who was either calling Trump or Arpaio a fascist.

Mashable ImageCredit: screengrab/twitter

That the violent tweet came just days after the deadly, chaotic white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia further confused and enraged Twitter users.

Not even Mike Holden, who tweeted the response, understood. He's simply retiring from the platform because nothing makes sense anymore.

Trump then kept the good times coming by retweeting a cartoon of a "Trump Train" railing into a CNN journalist with the caption, "Fake news can't stop the Trump Train."

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As we recall from Trump sharing a doctored version of him wrestling Vince McMahon with the CNN logo covering McMahon's head, Trump is no stranger to posting CNN hate memes with a violent bent. But the image of a journalist being hit by a train was especially troubling considering it was posted less than a week after 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed by a vehicle plowing into a protest crowd in Charlottesville.

Chelsea Clinton also chimed in about the retweet, calling attention to the fact that when comedian Kathy Griffin shared a photograph of a beheaded Donald Trump back in May he condemned her.

After several minutes Trump deleted both of the retweets, but the screenshots had already been grabbed and impressions had already been left.

On Monday Trump also retweeted a post by Jack Posobiec — a far-right conspiracy theorist involved in the "Pizzagate" scandal— leaving tired Americans to wonder: what in the world could possibly be next?

According to Twitter, a White House official told NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker that the image was "inadvertently posted" by Trump and deleted once noticed.

UPDATE: Aug. 15, 2017, 10:53 a.m. UTC Updated to include Chelsea Clinton tweet.

UPDATE: Aug. 15, 2017, 11:59 a.m. UTC Updated to include White House comment to NBC News correspondent.

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