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Play School remix competition is your childhood with more 'untz untz'
  来源:苹果im虚拟机  更新时间:2024-06-01 08:44:44

Ever thought the Play Schooltheme needed a banging donk on it? A little more bounce by the ounce? Well, you are in luck. 

Generations of Australians tuned into the children's television show, singing the theme as a child with eyes glued on Big Ted. While, many have since hummed it in their adult years, under their breath, hoping no one will notice the classic tune. 

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Well, now, there's no need to be embarrassed: There's a way you can put a little more "untz untz" into the Play Schooltheme song that will impress your cuzzies in da club. Radio station Triple J is holding a competition to remix the Play Schooltheme song, "There's A Bear In There." 

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The song, with cracker lyrics such as "open wide, come inside" and "there's a bear in there, a chair as well," is know to get kids bouncing after they've had a sneaky red cordial at 3:30 p.m. An adult version has definitely been missing from our lives. 

Mashable ImageBig Ted goes on an adventure.Credit: Play school.

The competition is to help commemorate the 50 years the television show has been on air, and if you win you'll get yourself a tour of the Play School set and the Triple J studios, plus a songwriting masterclass from Triple JDJ KLP. Sick one.

KLP herself has already prepared a remix for potential entrants to get inspired, and you can feel dat beat.

Entries close on May 29, with the stems for music producers available at the Triple J Unearthed site here. See you at the Play Schoolclub.

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