
Stevie Wonder takes both knees 'For America' after Trump's unhinged NFL comments

It's not just NFL players who are taking knees. Legendary musician Stevie Wonder knelt down on both during a festival in New York on Saturday evening.

"Tonight, I'm taking a knee for America," Wonder said as his son, Kwame Morris, assisted him at the Global Citizens Festival in Central Park. "But not just one knee, I'm taking both knees. Both knees in prayer for our planet, our futures, our leaders of the globe, and our world."

By dropping to his knees, Wonder joined the growing list of people showing their solidarity after President Donald Trump said that owners of NFL teams should fire players that sit or kneel during the national anthem, a right that is constitutionally-protected free speech.

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Trump again criticized the NFL on Saturday, saying people that disrespect our flag or country should be fired, busting out his old catchphrase from his reality TV star days.

On Sunday morning, Trump proposed fans boycott the NFL until players "stop disrespecting our Flag & Country."

When the president threatens a boycott against a private company for its employees exercising their First Amendment rights, we should all be extremely concerned.

Thankfully, NFL players are showing no signs of letting up. A number of players took to their knees and linked arms in solidarity during the Ravens and Jaguars game in London on Sunday.

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