
North Korea 'spooked' by Trump's military threats: ex

Kim Jong-un / Yonhap
Kim Jong-un / Yonhap

North Korea appears to have reached out to South Korea after being "spooked" by U.S. President Donald Trump's threats of a military strike, a former CIA official said Monday.

North Korea's willingness to hold talks with South Korea about its participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics was driven in part by Trump's tough rhetoric, according to Jung Pak, former portfolio manager at the CIA's East Asia and Pacific Mission Center.

"North Korea is spooked, or at least takes the Trump administration's threats about military strikes seriously enough that it warranted some sort of outreach," Pak said at a forum. "And this outreach on this Olympics is (at) no cost. They just show up, right? So I think there is an element, a sign of vulnerability that the North Koreans are feeling about what the Trump administration might do."

Trump has said the U.S. may have no choice but to "totally destroy" North Korea over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. Last year, the communist regime carried out numerous tests in pursuit of a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the mainland U.S.

Pak, currently the SK-Korea Foundation chair in Korea studies at the Brookings Institution, said both South and North Korea are concerned about the possibility of a military conflict on the peninsula.

But she also suggested North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had a personal interest in sending a delegation to the Feb. 9-25 Games in South Korea's alpine town of PyeongChang.

"There's also a reason that Kim Jong-un developed these ski resorts," she said, referring to the resorts in the North. "He's a sports fan, too. There might have been a desire to participate in the Olympics and to show the skills of the orchestra, the skills and the beauty of the dancers, and use this as a platform."

North Korea has said it will send artists to perform during the Games, a move analysts say is meant to improve its global image. (Yonhap)

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