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These cannot be the names of actual places in the UK, and yet they are

2024-06-23 10:49:15      点击:635

LONDON -- A Reddit thread posing the question, "What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?" has revealed something very important about the collective British subconscious.

Apparently, the UK has a rather Freudian obsession with the male genitalia that has come to manifest itself in the not-so-subtle naming of several of its towns, parishes, and various other places.

And when it wasn't a penis-inspired name, it was a fecal one. Or butts were involved -- basically, anything that involved the rude depiction of bodily functions or parts.

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SEE ALSO:British people are sharing stories of outrageously stupid mugging attempts

We couldn't really justify including everyplace that managed to incorporate "cock" into its name, but here's a list of some of the best worst-named places in the rainy isles:

1. Penistone: Civil Parish in South Yorkshire

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

2. Wetwang: Village in East Riding of Yorkshire

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

3. Brown Willy: Hill in Cornwall

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

4. Sandy Balls: Parkland in Hampshire

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

5. Shitterton: Small village in Dorset

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

6. Puddletown: Parish in Dorset

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

7. Cockermouth: Market town in Cumbria

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

8. Butt Hole Road: Street in South Yorkshire

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

9. Gropecunt Lane: Common street name, antiquated

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

10. Twatt: Towns in the Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

11. Bell End: Village in Worcestershire

Comment from discussion What's the funniest/silliest named place in the UK?.

Sigh. Who let a 13-year-old boy name Britain?

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