
Trump promotes fake Muslim massacre after Barcelona attack

The president of the United States just advocated for the execution of Muslim prisoners by firing at them with bullets dipped in pigs' blood.

He did so by doing something he's done before -- reiterating a totally disproved internet tale about a massacre.

In the story -- which again, is false -- U.S. Gen. John J. Pershing uses the blood of pigs, considered impure in Islam, to cover the bullets he used to kill 50 Muslim prisoners in the Philippines in the early 1900s.

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Trump's tweet followed on the heels of an extremist attack in Barcelona, Spain, that reportedly left at least 12 dead and dozens injured after a van smashed into a crowd.

Trump first spoke about this internet rumor at a campaign rally in South Carolina, though his tale was slightly different then.

One more day in the work week.

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