
CNN subtweets Donald Trump with an ad about an apple

In its latest ad, CNN is dumbing things down for President Trump and his supporters obsessed with fake news.

For the company's new #FactsFirst campaign, CNN attempts to use something as simple as fruit to explain the difference between facts and fake news to the stubborn Tweeter-In-Chief.

And without once saying Trump's name, the media outlet's minimalist video completely shut him and his unhinged Twitter behavior down.

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The ad shows a shiny red apple in the middle of the screen, and though it might not seem like much at first a voiceover goes on to make a relevant point about Trump's role in spreading fake news.

"This is an apple," the voice says. "Some people might try to tell you that it's a banana. They might scream banana, banana, banana over and over and over again. They might put BANANA in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a banana. But it's not. This is an apple."

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Trump has attacked CNN on Twitter quite frequently since taking office, claiming the company spreads nothing but "fake news" about him and his administration.

In fact, Trump has taken his hatred of CNN so far that he's gone beyond verbal threats to retweet several violent memes featuring the CNN logo being body-slammed and getting hit by a train.

CNN has responded to the president directly in the past, but the subtle ad referencing the president's frequent claims and sporadic use of ALL CAPS in his tweets packed a powerful punch.

CNN's main Twitter account also switched up its header photo, posting one that included the Apple that's most certainly not a banana, and the hashtag #FactsFirst.

Mashable ImageCredit: screengrab/twitter

All signs point to Trump going bananas over this, but he should be thankful they didn't call him out using an orange. 🍊

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